- 3dforniture (without round trees and bathroom kit)[1.0]
- bags[20120918](out of maintance)
- bell (by Sokomine)
- bobblocks[v0.0.8]
- bucket(default)
- christmas_craft(made by semmett9)
- zcg (Craft guide for inventory++)[no version found!]
- creative(default)
- darkage [o.4]
- default(default)
- diamonds
- dye (default)
- fake_fire(by Semmett9)
- farming
- farming_plus
- fire
- give_initial_stuff
- growing_trees
- home_gui
- inventory_plus
- king_arthurs_land(exclusive items only for this server)
- legacy(default)
- lights
- locks(by Sokomine)
- maptools
- medieval_craft (by Semmett9)
- mesecons[dont know wich version we have]should be updated
- arrow_signs (by Addi)[3.0]
- moreblocks
- moreores
- nyancat(by Semmett9)
- papyrus_bed
- sethome
- stairs (default)
- stairsplus
- steel
- teleporter
- titanium
- vessels
- wool
- worldedit
- worldedit_gui
- xbar
- xdoors2
Mods installed on this server
Mods added!
- Junglegrass
- papyrus_bed
- farmingplus
- locks
- bushes
- 3dfurniture (without bathroom kit and this ugly round trees)
- fake_fire (made by semmett9)
- craft guide (now with search field)
- king artuhrs land(added a surprise)
- more_signs make a linebreak with / or | in the input field
Last edited by eythen on Mon 5. Nov 2012, 12:23, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: corrected spelling
Reason: corrected spelling
Re: Modlist
Mods Removed:
- 4seasons ( it produced to much lagg)
- king_arthurs_land
- darkage (now its 0.4)
Re: Modlist
Mods needs to updated:
- locks
- pipeworks
- mesecons
- moreores
- christmas craft
- ...
- moreblocks (causes a lot of unknown nodes)
- 3d armor (needs 0.4.7-dev version)
- ...
- cottages
- cannons